Superbit USBRF Radio Dongle

This is the USB carrier dongle for the Superbit CYRF module. It allows the use of the CYRF module on your PC for telemetry purposes.


The big difference between the Superbit radio system and other receivers of this type is that our software adds a telemetry return channel. You can have a stock Spektrum transmitter, a Superbit USBRF dongle in your laptop and Superbit CYRF on the UAV simultaneously. This means you only need one radio on your UAV. You have telemetry to your laptop, and reliable RC control using your spektrum transmitter, without the need of two separate radio channels and duplication of hardware.


This product contains:


For more information visit the SuperbitRF project page on the Paparazzi UAV Wiki and the SuperbitRF firmware repository.


Technical Paper:  Lisa/S 2.8g autopilot for GPS-based autonomous flight


We recommend using the following transmitters:

We are working on adding more remote controls to the list.

$115.00 USD

6 in stock

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