JTAG SWD STDC14 14pin IDC Cable

This is the STMicroelectronics STDC14 standard JTAG/SWD debug cable.

Pins 3-12 are exactly the same as the standard ARM Cortex 10pin connector. This enables this cable to be connected to the 10pin header by overhanding the outer pins beyond the connector. This is possible on boards that either use a free standing pin header or use the Samtec FTSH Keyed connectors.

In the STDC14 standard the outer pins 1-2 are reserved, and pins 13-14 are used for UART.

This cable is compatible with the Black Magic Probe and can be connected to the 10pin header found on the Black Magic Probe, providing compatibility with debug targets featuring the STDC14 connector.

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$5.45 USD

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